Bailey Acres HOA

Article 5

5.1 Number. The officers of the Association shall consist of at least a President, Vice President, Secretary, and Treasurer. The Board may establish such other officers, as it deems appropriate.

5.2 Appointment, Tenure. The officers will be appointed by the Trustees at their annual meeting, and all officers serve at the pleasure of the Board and may be removed by a majority vote of the Board in a meeting called for that purpose. All officers must be Members of the Association. Because of the small number of Members, it is anticipated that the Trustees themselves will serve as some or all of the officers.

5.3 Duties of the President. The president shall preside at meetings of the Board of Trustees and at meeting of Members. He or she shall sign, on behalf of the Association, all legal documents approved by the Board, including deeds and mortgages and other contracts. The president shall supervise and be primarily responsible for the day-to-day operation of the Association affairs, including the firing and termination of employees and subordinates. The president shall perform such other duties as assigned by the Board.

5.4 Duties of the Vice President. The Vice President shall perform the duties of the president if he or she is not available and shall perform such other duties as designated by the Board.

5.5 Duties of the Secretary. The Secretary is responsible to keep accurate records of the Members of the Association and the transfer of their interest to others, to keep minutes at the meetings of the Association’s Members and Trustees, and cause notice of any meetings to be issued as called for in these By-Laws, to file annual reports, and to perform all other assignments of the Board.

5.6 Duties of the Treasurer. The Treasurer shall be responsible for all the funds of the Association and related financial duties.

5.7 Compensation. The officers will serve without compensation providing that their reasonable out-of-pocket expenses in performing their duties for the Association will be reimbursed.