All improvements on any Lot shall be subject to the following restrictions and architectural design standards:
11.1 Dwellings. Only one Dwelling may be constructed on any Lot. All Dwellings shall have an attached garage large enough to enclose at lease two cars and not more than four cars. Dwellings may not exceed two stories. Construction materials shall be of a quality equal to or superior to Weber County, FHA and/or VA requirements.
11.2 Placement of Buildings. Within the Lot, subject to minimum front, side and rear yard set back requirements, the Owner may propose any location for the Dwelling and the irrigated landscaped area around it. The location of the Dwelling and irrigated landscaped area should be selected to minimize removal of trees or other significant vegetation. The placement of the Dwelling and other improvements should also recognize historic drainage patterns and channels, if any, and avoid construction in location that obstruct historic drainage.
11.3 Building size. The minimum Floor Area of any one story Dwelling shall be at least 1,700 square feet; if the dwelling is two stories, the main level shall be at least 1,500 square feet, the second story must be at least 1,500 square feet; bi-level dwelling must be 1,800 square feet per level. Each home must have a basement of at least the same size as the main level.
11.4 Building Height. Building location and design should place buildings in a manner to minimize visibility from adjoining or adjacent Lots and so as to avoid view blockage. The intent being to have the building mass follow the natural, existing contours of the land.
11.5 Roof Design. Roof Pitches material, eaves and roofs shall be approved by the Board of Trustees. Shingles will be fire retardant material approved by the County. Mansard, fake mansard, A-frame, gambrel, curvilinear, flat and domed roof designs are prohibited. All roof metal such as flashing, vent stacks, gutters and chimney caps will be made of anodized aluminum or painted galvanized metal. The predominant tone should be earth tone, whether in the natural color or patina of the weathered color of the roof surface itself or the color of the stain or other coating. All roofs shall have a pitch of 4 inches on 12 or steeper slopes.
11.6 Siding Materials. The exterior of all dwellings must consist entirely of 'natural' materials. Unless specifically approved by the Board of Trustees, only the following exterior wall surfaces materials are allowed: brick, wood siding, composite siding stone, and stucco. Textured plywood, metal, vinyl, Masonite or similar manufactured siding materials are prohibited. There shall be no more than two separate exterior wall materials on any wall surface (excluding trim) and no more than three on any one building.
Exterior wall colors must harmonize with the site and surrounding buildings. The predominant tone should be earth tone, whether in the natural color or patina of the weathered color of the wall surface itself or the color of the stain or other coating. Fascia and trim shall also remain in the white, gray, or earth tone spectrum."
11.7 Windows. No mirrored or reflective glass may be used in construction of any dwelling.
11. 8 Fireplaces/Chimneys. Only wood-burning stoves, pellet stoves and/or natural gas, fireplaces, or other such appliance is permitted on each Lot. The primary heat source must be of a source other than wood. No coal-fired appliances may be used, and no coal shall be burned in fireplaces. All fireplaces and wood burning devises shall meet Federal Environmental Protection Agency guidelines.
11.9 Deleted in its entirety.
11.10 Solar Panels. No free standing solar panels will be permitted.
11.11 No Used or Temporary Structures. Except as required by the Declarant to previously erected, used, or temporary structure, mobile home, trailer house, or any other non-permanent structures maybe be installed or maintained on any Lot.
11.12 No Air Supported Structures. No air supported tennis or swimming pool bubbles or covers will be permitted on any Lot.
11.13 Balconies and Decks. The area under any deck or balcony that is more than twenty-four (24) inches above natural grade must either be landscaped or screened from view so that the view from adjoining Lots or streets is not of the unfinished underside of the deck. The area under the deck shall not be used for storage of equipment, firewood, building material or similar material, unless out of view. The underside of any deck more than four (4) feet above grade must either be completely screened with vertical lattice or siding, or, if exposed (as in the case of a second-story deck) painted or stained to match the house.
11.14 Fences. Chain link or other wire fencing is prohibited. The design of any fencing shall be of quality workmanship and materials and of design that blends in harmony with the external design of the dwelling and landscaping. No fence, wall, or other object or similar design may be constructed on any portion of the front lot. Nor shall any fence, wall or other object of similar design be constructed on any lot to a height greater than six (6) feet. All fencing must be pre-approved by the Board of Trustees.
11.15 Obstructions. No fence, wall, hedge or shrub planting which obstructs sight lines at elevations two (2) feet above the ground shall be placed or permitted to remain on any corner lot within the triangular area formed by the street property lines and a line connecting them at forty (40) feet from the intersection of the street lines. No tree shall be permitted to remain with such distance of such intersection unless the foliage line is maintained at sufficient height to prevent obstruction of such sight lines.
11.16 Driveway Access. Individual driveway accesses to each Lot must be approved by the Board of Trustees as part of the site plan of the Lot. Driveways should be located in a manner to minimize cuts and fills and the need for retaining walls. Driveways shall be wide enough to permit at least two cars to be parked side by side in front of the garage entrance
11.17 Deleted in its entirety.
11.18 Storage Units. All storage and accessory buildings must be pre-approved by the Board of Trustees.