Bailey Acres HOA


The intent of this declaration is to conserve water. The use of each Lot is subject to the following Landscape Standards:

Irrigated Landscape Area. Owners are encouraged to use xeriscaping practices with respect to irrigation.

12.2 Landscaping. All landscaping shall be commenced within ninety (90) days of Dwelling occupancy and shall be completed within two (2) years of Dwelling occupancy. Trees, lawn, shrubs and other plantings provided by the Owner of each respective Lot shall be properly nurtured and maintained by the Owner so as not to become unsightly, offensive or detrimental to any portion of the Properties.

Landscaping Easement. The Owners of Lots 1-9 and 18-28 are required to maintain a twenty-five (25) foot landscaping easement along their rear property line. No dwelling or other structure shall be built or maintained within this easement. Temporary dwellings or structures are allowed provided the owners fully understand the county can require it to be removed for their purposes. The individual Lot owners shall be responsible for maintaining the landscaping within the easement.

Erosion. Development of Lot landscaping shall include erosion control devises and sediment trap construction on slopes fifteen percent (15%) or greater. Each lot owner shall be responsible for one hundred percent (100%) of his/her sediment and erosion control.

Water Shares. Water shares purchased for each lot cover the water needs of the individual lot as well as the shared common area. Therefore, water shares must transfer with the sale of each lot and remain in Bailey Acres Owners Association.